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Subject: soc.culture.thai Figures FAQ part 1
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The "soc.culture.thai Frequently Asked Questions" periodic postings are
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NUMERICAL FAQ PART 1 (figures-1)
Numerical aspects of Thailand
* Demography
F.1) Census
* Economic indicators
F.2) Thailand's key economic indicators
F.3) Is the economy recovering?
F.4) Direction of Trade 1992 (million baht)
F.5) Four months' top exports
F.6) Banks awarded Bangkok International Banking Facilities licenses
F.7) Budget allocation
F.8) Budget structure
F.9) Current megaprojects
* Economic forecasts
F.10) Economic forecasts
F.11) Education levels
F.12) Education of the workforce
F.13) Growth rate of value added of services at constant 1972 prices
F.14) Growth rate of value added of GDP at constant 1972 prices
F.15) Growth rate of agricultural added value at constant 1972 prices
F.16) Growth rate of industrial value added at constant 1972 prices
F.17) Regional GDP (GRP) growth
F.18) Population growth rate by gender
F.19) Electricity generating capacity for each consumer group
F.20) Tourism targets
F.21) Tourist forecast
* Business
F.22) Domestic Computer Market
This part describes numbers related to Thailand. List of additional
sources for economic information of Thailand is available for anonymous
FTP from ftp.nectec.or.th as the file sources-of-Thailand-info.txt in
directory /pub/info/soc.culture.thai-faq/SCTinfo/econ-stats. This list
is maintained by Peter Beal (bealp@morakot.nectec.or.th).
F.1) Census
On July 1 1993, Thailand had:
1) Total population 58,120
2) Gender distribution
Male 29,043
Female 29,077
3) Urban population 17,855
4) Rural population 40,265
5) Geographical distribution
North 9,445
Northeast 19,592
South 7,108
Central/East (excl. Bangkok Metro) 14,518
Bangkok Metro 7,457
6) Age distribution
less than 15 16,738
15 thru 59 37,139
60 and above 4,243
6 thru 21 19,435
20 and above 35,343
Female 14 thru 44 15,004
7) Crude birth rate (per 1000) 17.4
8) Crude death rate (per 1000) 5.9
9) Natural increase rate of population (%) 1.15
10) Infant mortality (per 1000) 35.5
11) Life expectancy at birth
Male 66.4
Female 71.8
12) Life expectancy at age 60
Male 17.9
Female 21.2
13) Average children/woman 2.2
14) Birth control (%) 75.0
15) Estimated population in B.E.2555 (2012 A.D.) 71,310
Source: Journal of Population, Institute of Population and Social
Research, Mahidol University. October 1993.
Figures are taken from Bangkok Post Economic Review: Mid-Year 1993. August
F.2) Thailand's key economic indicators
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992P
Population (million persons) 54.96 55.89 56.30 56.96 57.62
Real GDP at 1972 prices (% change) 13.2 12.0 10.0 8.2 7.4
Agriculture 10.2 6.6 -3.7 4.5 3.5
Noagriculture 13.9 13.1 12.7 8.8 8.1
GDP at current prices (bt bn) 1,507.0 1,776.0 2,086.8 2,387.3 2,671.4
% change 20.3 17.9 17.5 14.4 11.9
Per capita GNP (baht) 27,179 31,608 36,637 41,330 45,619
Inflation 3.8 5.4 6.0 5.7 4.1
External sector (bt bn)
Exports 399.2 509.9 583.2 720.5 816.5
% change 33.9 27.7 14.4 23.5 13.3
Imports 500.4 650.1 838.3 967.8 1,031.0
% change 46.2 29.9 29.0 15.5 6.5
Trade balance -101.2 -140.2 -255.1 -247.3 -214.5
Current account balance -41.0 -65.0 -186.2 -193.3 -169.9
As % of GDP -2.7 -3.7 -8.9 -8.1 -6.4
Capital movements (net) 72.7 152.2 206.9 294.7 200.0
Private sector 74.1 159.9 238.6 268.7 197.0
Public sector -1.4 -7.7 -31.7 26.0 3.0
Overall balance of payments 40.5 111.5 57.0 112.4 29.7
International reserves ($ bn) 7.1 10.5 14.3 18.4 21.2
Total outstanding debt[1] 17.9 19.4 25.1 33.3 37.6
Public debt 12.6 11.8 11.5 12.8 13.5
Debt service ratio 12.9 10.6 9.1 9.8 10.3
Public sector 7.7 5.8 5.0 4.2 3.5
Public Finance (fiscal year)
Cash balance[2] (bt bn) 30.2 59.3 103.3 123.7 85.9
As % of GDP 2.0 3.3 5.0 5.2 3.2
Money and banking[3]
Money supply (M2, bt bn) 956.1 1,207.1 1,529.1 1,832.4 2,117.8
% change 18.2 26.3 26.7 19.8 15.6
Domestic credit (% change) 15.6 19.8 26.9 15.5 18.3
Private credit (% change) 27.0 29.8 33.3 20.8 20.6
Deposit[4] (% change) 19.0 26.8 27.5 21.4 16.2
Interest rates, at year-end
Prime rate 12.0 12.5- 16.25- 14.0 11.5
13.5 16.5
Time deposit (1-year) 7.75- 9.5 13.0- 10.5 8.5
9.5 15.5
Exchange rate (annual average)
Baht:US$ (Exchange Equalization Fund) 25.29 25.70 25.59 25.52 25.40
Notes: 1. Including short-term debt.
2. Including non-budgetary balance, but excluding disbursement from
SAL 1 and 2.
3. Excluding the Government Savings Bank. That of the Bank of
Thailand includes the account of the Exchange Equalization Fund.
4. Excluding inter-bank deposit and foreign currency deposit.
P = preliminary figures
F.3) Is the economy recovering?
--1993 Projections--
Bank of
1992 Actual Thailand IMF
Growth rates
(Annual % change)
GDP 7.5 7.8 8.0
Exports of goods and services 14.3 13.0 12.9
Imports of goods and services 10.4 14.0 17.0
(% of GDP)
Investment 36.7 37.5 37.5
Private 27.6 27.8 27.8
Public 9.1 9.7 9.7
Saving 31.8 32.0 31.2
Private 21.2 21.8 21.8
Public 10.6 10.2 9.4
Current account deficit 6.4 6.8 7.7
F.4) Direction of Trade 1992 (million baht)
Exports Imports
US 184,234 135,480
EC 162,405 148,337
Japan 143,908 301,113
ASEAN 104,460 130,896
Middle East 39,004 33,965
Eastern Europe 10,621 8,222
Other countries 181,109 291,632
(Source: Custom Department)
F.5) Four months' top exports
Jan-Dec92 Jan-Dec93 Jan-Apr93 Jan-Apr93 Jan-Apr93
Actual Target Actual Estimates Growth
Garments 86,798 112,500 26,124 26,393 1.03%
Computer and components 57,728 60,000 16,777 19,000 13.25%
Gems and jewellery 36,682 42,500 11,316 12,300 8.70%
Integrated circuits 28,622 27,000 7,924 10,100 27.46%
Rubber 28,925 30,000 9,880 9,716 -1.66%
Frozen shrimps/prawns 31,709 31,000 8,652 9,440 9.11%
Footware 25,642 27,500 8,611 9,350 8.58%
Rice 36,214 31,000 13,174 9,278 -29.57%
Sugar 18,920 15,340 8,374 7,280 -13.06%
Canned seafood 24,435 24,810 7,308 7,260 -0.66%
Tapioca 29,613 23,580 10,062 7,130 -29.14%
TVs and components 20,352 24,000 5,253 6,530 24.31%
Plastic products 14,140 14,000 4,083 5,664 38.72%
Cloth 17,199 18,000 5,172 5,386 4.14%
Videos audio equipment 15,935 19,500 4,885 5,190 6.24%
Furniture and parts 11,473 14,000 3,457 4,185 21.06%
Rubber products 9,223 10,000 2,849 3,283 15.23%
Frozen chiken 10,399 13,500 4,170 3,140 -24.70%
Airconditioning 7,343 10,000 2,570 3,100 20.62%
Toys 8,783 10,500 2,326 2,000 -14.02%
Total Top 20 520,135 558,730 162,967 165,725 1.69%
Other exports 304,517 422,270 96,320 115,275 19.68%
Total exports 824,652 981,000 259,287 281,000 8.37%
(Source: Commerce Ministry)
F.6) Banks awarded Bangkok International Banking Facilities licenses
Thai Banks
Bangkok Bank Nakornthon Bank
Bangkok Bank of Commerce Siam City Bank
Krung Thai Bank Bangkok Metropolitan Bank
Bank of Ayudhya First Bangkok City Bank
Thai Farmers Bank Union Bank of Bangkok
Thai Military Bank Laem Thong Bank
Thai Danu Bank Bank of Asia
Siam Commercial Bank
Foreign banks with Thai branches
Chase Manhattan Bank (US) Bharat Oversea Bank (India)
Sakura Bank (Japan) Standard Chartered Bank (UK)
Citibank (US) Bank of Tokyo (Japan)
Security Pacific Asian Bank (HK) Bank of America (US)
Deutsche Bank (Germany) Banque Indosuez (France)
Four Seas Bank (Singapore) Hong Kong and Shianghai Banking (HK)
Foreign banks without Thai branches
Bank of Nova Scotia (Canada) Banque Nationale de Paris (France)
Industrial Bank of Japan (Japan) Societa Generale (France)
Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (Sweden)
(Japan) Dresdner Bank (Germany)
Sumitomo Bank (Japan) Bankers Trust Company (US)
Sanwa Bank (Japan) American Express Bank (US)
Mitsubishi Bank (Japan) Bank of New York (US)
Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank (Japan) Korea Exchange Bank (Korea)
Internationale Nederlanden Bank Bank of China (China)
(Netherlands) Development Bank of Singapore
ABN-AMRO Bank (Netherlands) (Singapore)
Credit Lyonnais (France)
Two foreign banks in Thailand that did not apply
The International Commercial Bank of Chian (Taiwan)
United Malayan Bank (Malaysia)
F.7) Budget allocation
Fiscal Fiscal Change from 1993
1993 1994 ----------------
(bt bn) (bt bn) (bt bn) %
Economic development 110.7 130.5 19.9 17.9%
Agriculture 48.7 59.9 11.2 23.0%
Industry & mining 1.9 2.1 0.2 9.9%
Transportation &
telecommunications 46.9 53.5 6.5 13.9%
Commerce & tourism 5.8 4.5 -1.3 -22.3%
Science, technology
energy & environment 7.3 10.5 3.2 44.5%
Social development 206.3 240.3 34.1 16.5%
Education 109.7 124.5 14.8 13.5%
Public health 36.5 44.4 7.8 21.5%
Social services 60.0 71.4 11.4 19.0%
Security 114.3 125.4 11.0 9.6%
National security 89.0 95.2 6.3 7.1%
Interior security 25.4 30.1 4.7 18.6%
General administration 65.9 69.9 4.1 6.1%
Debt service 62.8 58.9 -4.0 -6.3%
Total 560.0 625.0 65.0 11.6%
(Source: Government House)
F.8) Budget structure
Fiscal 1993 Fiscal 1994
------------------ ------------------
(bt bn) Change(%) (bt bn) Change(%)
Expenditures 560.0 21.6% 625.0 11.6%
(% of GDP) 17.9% 17.6%
Fixed expenses 351.1 16.3% 375.9 7.1%
% of total budget 62.7% 60.1%
Investment 171.6 31.3% 213.5 24.4%
% of total budget 30.6% 34.2%
Debt service (pincipal) 37.3 33.7% 35.6 -4.5%
% of total budget 7.7% 5.7%
Revenue 560.0 21.6% 625.0 11.6%
Income 534.4 16.1% 600.0 12.3%
Borrow 25.4 - 25.0 -2.3%
GDP 3,130.0 11.8% 3,550.0 13.4%
(Source: Government House)
F.9) Current megaprojects
Project Due Size Bt M
Highway Department
Don Muang tollway 1994 10,000
Four-lane highways 45,900
North 1994-98 647km 16,600
Northeast 1993-99 231km 4,600
East 1994-98 120km 3,000
South 1994-98 893km 21,700
Bangkok-Chon Buri
motorway 1996 82km 13,000
Outer Ring East
Bang Pa-In to Bang Plee 1996 63km 11,200
By-passes 2,546
Chiang Mai 1996 34km 400
Ubon Ratchathani 1996 24km 300
Nakorn Ratchasima 1996 20km 180
Lampang 1996 8km 100
Khon Kaen 1997 50km 570
Phitsanulok 1997 48km 530
Lop Buri 1996 15km 200
Saraburi (E) 1996 6km 210
Kanchanaburi 1994 8km 56
State Railway of Thailand
Hopewell 1992-99 50.1km 80,000
Dual-track railway
Suburban 234km 7,064
Others 2,744km 76,826
Container terminal 620 rai 1,857
Airports Authority
Nong Ngu Hao Airport 1999 20,000 rai 107,000
Regional airport improvements
Chiang Mai, Hat Yai, Phuket 1998 910.5
Civil Aviation Department
Regional airports 4,422
Rayong 1994 45x2000m 513
Chumphon 1996 45x1800m 522
Roi Et 1997 45x2100m 570
Phetchaboon 1996 46x2100m 537
Krabi 1997 47x2100m 597
Buriram 1996 48x2100m 531
Mae Sariang (postponed) - - -
Nakhon Sri Thammarat 1997 50x2100m 615
Nakhon Ratchasima 1996 51x2100m 537
Telephone Organization of Thailand
Three-million telephones 3 millions 116,090
Bangkok May 21,97 2 millions 77,800
Provinces Jun 30,97 1 million 38,290
Telephone installation
Bangkok Dec 93 363,950 759
Provinces Dec 93 260,590 88
Communications Authority of Thailand
Optical-fibre cable
(Thailand-Vietnam-HK) 1996 2,600
Communications Ministry
Suburban freight years 1994-95 2,965
North-Rangsit 200 rai 988
East-Bang Na 200 rai 988
West-Bang Khae 200 rai 988
Centre-Yannawa (cancelled)
Prime Minister's Office
Metropolitan Rapid Transit
Authority ("Skytrain") end 1998 20km 49,000
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
BMA-Tanayong 1996 20,000
(Sources: Communications Ministry, Bangkok Metropolitan
Administration, MRTA)
F.10) Economic forecasts
The first entry is from Bangkok Post December 17 1993. The remaining tables
are taken from The Nation's Midyear report "Thailand 2010: Which way do we
grow?" July 1993.
1994 forecasts comparison
Bank of
PER CAPITA INCOME (Bt) - 58,903 58,452 -
NATIONAL INCOME (Bt Bn) - 3,499 3,524.7 -
GDP at constant 1988 prices (%) 7.8 8.2 8.0 8.6
Agriculture (%) 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.5
Crops (%) 1.2 - - -
Non-agriculture (%) 8.6 - 8.7 -
Industry (%) 10.2 11.5 9.7 9.6
Construction (%) 12.7 9.6 - -
Services, others (%) 8.0 8.2 7.6 9.2
Commerce (%) 6.4 - - -
CONSUMPTION (%) 5.9 - 7.4 -
Private (%) 6.4 7.9 7.1 -
Public (%) - 7.5 9.0 -
INVESTMENT (%) 11.0 - 9.0 12.4
Private (%) 6.9 11.0 8.1 -
Public (%) 22.8 27.1 12.3 -
Exports (Bt Bn) 1,042.0 1,047.0 999.8 1,031.6
Growth (%) 14.6 14.4 12.5 12.9
Imports (Bt Bn) 1,320.0 1,340.0 1,274.5 1,325.7
Growth (%) 14.7 14.3 12.5 14.3
Income from tourism (Bt Bn) - - - 160.6
Growth (%) - - - 12.0
Balance of trade (Bt Bn) -278.0 -221.3 -274.6 -294.1
% of GDP (%) - -8.4 - -8.3
Current account balance (Bt Bn) -223.0 -221.3 -226.8 -239.4
% of GDP (%) -6.7 -6.3 -6.4 -6.8
Balance of payments (Bt Bn) 65.0 - 83.2 -
Foreign exchange reserves ($ Bn) - - 28.5 -
Long-term foreign debt/GDP ratio (%) - - - 30.3
INFLATION (%) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.3
Richest 40% (Income shares) - - - 76.75%
Poorest 60% (Income shares) - - - 23.25%
EXCHANGE RATE (Bt/$) - - 25.40 -
DEPOSITS (Bt Bn) - - 2,822.6 -
Growth (%) 21.0 19.0 -
CREDIT (Bt Bn) - - 3,138.8 -
Growth (%) 20.5 21.0 -
CREDIT/DEPOSIT (%) - - 111.2 -
Cash surplus (Bt Bn) 0.5 57.0 - -
Net revenue (Bt Bn) - 640.0 - -
Real expenditure (Bt Bn) - 583.0 - -
AVERAGE OIL IMPORT PRICES($/bbl) 16-17 - 18.5 -
Sources: Bank of Thailand, National Economic and Social Development
Board, Siam Commercial Bank, Thailand Development Research
F.11) Education levels
The education levels of the Thai workforce assuming that the
Transition from Primary to Secondary is 100 per cent starting from
1990 1995 2000
Primary/lower 83.2 78.9 71.8
Lower Secondary 6.4 8.2 11.3
Upper Secondary 2.5 3.3 4.6
Vocational 2.7 3.2 4.3
Tech. Vocational 1.3 1.7 2.4
University 3.9 4.7 5.5
Source: Sussangkarn (1991c)/Thailand Development Research institute
F.12) Education of the workforce
Workforce: Base case
Workforce ('000) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
LEPRIME 27062.65 27247.51 27388.90 27461.44 27510.41
LSECOND 2270.04 2385.23 2505.96 2639.53 2786.63
USECOND 914.28 973.38 1031.28 1091.79 1156.71
VOCAT 940.19 972.52 1008.81 1050.77 1098.70
TECH.VOC 459.75 489.09 520.18 554.51 592.90
UNIV 1376.74 1439.47 1503.36 1565.96 1629.94
TOTAL 33023.65 33507.19 33958.49 34363.99 34775.28
Workforce: Base case (cont)
Workforce ('000) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
LEPRIME 27498.10 27437.97 27344.09 27231.29 27146.73
LSECOND 2940.83 3098.02 3254.68 3402.34 3542.48
USECOND 1226.84 1294.31 1370.37 1459.52 1564.62
VOCAT 1150.00 1205.40 1267.40 1339.65 1424.17
TECH.VOC 635.56 679.36 727.29 781.64 845.44
UNIV 1695.95 1763.16 1835.08 1910.67 1994.61
TOTAL 35147.28 35478.21 35798.90 36125.11 36518.04
Workforce share by education
Share 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
LEPRIME 81.95 81.32 80.65 79.91 79.11
LSECOND 6.87 7.12 7.38 7.68 8.01
USECOND 2.77 2.90 3.04 3.18 3.33
VOCAT 2.85 2.90 2.97 3.06 3.16
TECH.VOC 1.39 1.46 1.53 1.61 1.70
UNIV 4.17 4.30 4.43 4.56 4.69
TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Workforce share by education (cont)
Share 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
LEPRIME 78.24 77.34 76.38 75.38 74.34
LSECOND 8.37 8.73 9.09 9.42 9.70
USECOND 3.49 3.65 3.83 4.04 4.28
VOCAT 3.27 3.40 3.54 3.71 3.90
TECH.VOC 1.81 1.91 2.03 2.16 2.32
UNIV 4.83 4.97 5.13 5.29 5.46
TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
F.13) Growth rate of value added of services at constant 1972 prices
'92-'96 '97-'01 '02-'06 '07-'11
Northeast 6.35% 6.48% 5.76% 6.52%
North 6.66% 6.84% 5.89% 6.68%
South 6.76% 6.84% 6.05% 6.75%
East 12.11% 11.53% 6.87% 7.44%
West 7.57% 7.42% 6.20% 6.88%
Central 6.70% 6.83% 6.02% 6.76%
BMR 8.10% 7.59% 6.75% 7.41%
Whole Kingdom 7.82% 7.66% 6.43% 7.12%
F.14) Growth rate of value added of GDP at constant 1972 prices
'92-'96 '97-'01 '02-'06 '07-'11
Northeast 5.86% 5.94% 5.68% 6.15%
North 5.81% 6.04% 5.69% 6.24%
South 6.55% 6.50% 5.97% 6.39%
East 12.87% 11.04% 8.45% 7.15%
West 8.54% 7.84% 6.71% 6.61%
Central 8.34% 8.19% 7.09% 6.86%
BMR 8.66% 8.16% 7.34% 7.05%
Whole Kingdom 8.20% 7.88% 7.01% 6.83%
F.15) Growth rate of agricultural added value at constant 1972 prices
'92-'96 '97-'01 '02-'06 '07-'11
Northeast 3.98% 3.97% 4.21% 3.85%
North 2.51% 2.80% 3.19% 3.61%
South 2.68% 2.86% 3.07% 3.77%
East 1.20% 1.33% 1.67% 3.04%
West 4.43% 4.46% 4.66% 3.96%
Central 1.44% 1.63% 1.88% 3.15%
BMR 3.02% 3.30% 3.55% 3.64%
Whole Kingdom 2.98% 3.17% 3.48% 3.69%
F.16) Growth rate of industrial value added at constant 1972 prices
'92-'96 '97-'01 '02-'06 '07-'11
Northeast 7.09% 6.77% 7.15% 7.36%
North 8.33% 7.66% 7.47% 7.21%
South 10.60% 8.84% 7.70% 7.13%
East 16.67% 11.94% 10.37% 7.19%
West 12.41% 9.85% 7.98% 7.19%
Central 11.97% 10.46% 8.45% 7.31%
BMR 9.43% 8.82% 7.94% 6.81%
Whole Kingdom 10.36% 9.23% 8.26% 6.98%
F.17) Regional GDP (GRP) growth
7th Plan 8th Plan 9th Plan 10th Plan
'92-'96 '97-'01 '02-'06 '07-'11
Northeast 5.86% 5.94% 5.68% 6.15%
North 5.81% 6.04% 5.69% 6.24%
South 6.55% 6.50% 5.97% 6.39%
East 12.87% 11.04% 8.45% 7.15%
West 8.54% 7.84% 6.71% 6.61%
Central 8.34% 8.19% 7.09% 6.86%
BMR 8.66% 8.16% 7.34% 7.05%
Whole Kingdom 8.20% 7.88% 7.01% 6.83%
Source: Thailand Development Research Institute
F.18) Population growth rate by gender
Year (Thousand persons) Natural Increase rates
Total Male Female Total Male Female
1991 56,923 28,530 28,393 1.46 1.47 1.48
1992 57,760 28,948 28,812 1.42 1.43 1.43
1993 58,584 29,361 29,223 1.38 1.38 1.39
1994 59,396 29,767 29,629 1.35 1.36 1.37
1995 60,206 30,172 30,034 1.32 1.33 1.33
1996 61,005 30,573 30,432 1.29 1.29 1.29
1997 61,794 30,968 30,826 1.26 1.26 1.27
1998 62,575 31,358 31,217 1.23 1.24 1.23
1999 63,349 31,747 31,602 1.20 1.19 1.21
2000 64,110 32,126 31,984 1.17 1.20 1.20
Source: Population Projection for Thailand 1980-2015, Office of the
National Economic and Social Development Board, Office of
the Prime Minister
F.19) Electricity generating capacity for each consumer group
Fiscal Losses & Total
Year Residential Business Industrial Other Station Use (GWh)
Average % growth
1987-1991 13.67 16.74 15.57 9.88 13.18 14.71
1992-1996 11.12 13.42 11.25 5.94 10.00 11.25
1997-2001 8.43 8.53 8.20 5.12 7.98 8.16
2002-2006 6.87 6.39 6.55 4.22 6.19 6.43
F.20) Tourism targets
The following are government targets for tourism development
during the Seventh National Economic and Social Development Plan,
Int'l Visitors Night Expenditure Est. Income
Year (million) Stays (Bt per day) (billion)
1992 6.0 7.8 3,300 154.4
1993 6.5 7.8 3,450 174.9
1994 7.1 7.8 3,650 202.1
1995 7.7 7.8 3,850 231.2
1996 8.4 7.8 5,050 265.4
Source: TAT
F.21) Tourist forecast
The following is EIU's forecast for the numbers of
international travellers to Thailand based on data from the
years 1988 to 1990.
Origins 1988 1990 1995 2000
Australia 145 180 250 350
Hong Kong 380 500 700 625
Indonesia 36 40 50 70
Japan 452 550 825 925
South Korea 64 100 200 350
Malaysia 843 1,150 1,950 2,800
Philippines 42 50 60 70
Singapore 276 425 725 1,000
Taiwan 233 500 1,275 1,800
TOTAL OF ABOVE 2,471 3,500 5,900 8,000
Canada 51 80 140 230
USA 237 350 525 700
Europe 906 1,350 2,150 3,000
EUROPE, N.AMERICA 1,194 1,775 2,825 3,925
Other origin countries 566 750 1,100 550
TOTAL UNCONSTRAINED 4,231 6,000 9,850 13,500
Constraints net - -400 -850 -1,450
TOTAL 4,231 5,600 9,000 12,050
Source: EIU
F.22) Domestic domputer market
Data compiled from Prachachart Thurakit, Siam Post and Bangkok Post.
October 1993.
Market size
1990 1991 1992 1993
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Value Value Growth Value Growth Value Growth
M Baht M Baht % M Baht % M Baht %
Mainframe 1,675.0 2,000.0 19.40 4,624.0 131.20 3,788.0 (18.08)
Hardware 2,312.0 1,994.0
SW/Svcs 2,312.0 1,794.0
Minicomputer 2,300.0 2,500.0 8.70 2,883.0 15.32 5,629.4 92.26
Hardware 1,730.0 2,786.6
SW/Svcs 1,153.0 2,842.8
Workstation 70.0 180.0 157.40 504.0 180.00 1,110.1 39.19
Hardware 252.0 385.1
SW/Svcs 252.0 725.0
PC 4,855.3 5,914.3 21.81 8,302.0 40.37 11,472.6 38.19
Hardware 7,728.0 10,236.4
SW/Svcs 564.0 1,236.2
Total 8,900.3 10,594.3 19.03 16,313.0 53.98 22,000.1 34.86
Hardware 12,032.0 15,402.1
SW/Svcs 4,281.0 6,598.0
Sources: Computer Association of Thailand -- Vendor Group (CATVG) and
Association of Thai Computer Industry (ATCI)
Random predictions
ATCI: 1993 market breakdown
Unit Value
Sold M Baht
Mainframe 35 1,533
Minicomputer 778 2,537.6
Workstation 517 377.41
PC 6,384
Brand (imported) 81000 4,008
No brand (local made) 69000 2,376
486dx 50.8 %
486sx 35.0 %
386dx 7.6 %
386sx 6.7 %
Hard disk 120000 1,230
Monitor 70000 552
B&W 18.6 %
Color 81.4 %
Software and Services 6,598
Software 59.7 %
Network 8.1 %
Installation/MIS 31.5 %
DP/Service Bureau 0.7 %
Total market 22,000.11
Mainframe & Info Services 3,788
Minicomputer & Info Services 5,629.4
Workstation 1,110.11
PC 11,472.6
IBM Thailand: 1993 market breakdown
- Total market: 22,000 million Baht
- Growth over 1992: 35%
- 46% of total market is minicomputer
x Enjoys 47% growth rate
x Average prices: 1992 1.7 million Baht
1993H1 1.4 million Baht
1993H2 2.3 million Baht
- PC and peripherals: 11,000 million Baht
Datamat: 1993 software and services market
- Software and services (S&S) has 30% share from the total market
- Anticipated at 54% share by the year 2000
- S&S sales will jump from 6 billion Baht this year to 23 billion by
2000 A.D.
- Software alone is 2.6 billion now and 16 billion in the year 2000
- S&S : Hardware ratio is 30:70
- In the year 2000, the ratio will be 40:60
Microsoft Thailand: PC market
- Predict more offerings on services, training and after-sales support
- Regional market size
Singapore 89,000 units
Hong Kong 105,000
Thailand 150,000
Taiwan 570,000
Korea 860,000
Information in this part was passed on by Trin Tantsetthi
(trin@nwg.nectec.or.th) from various sources in Thailand.